Ruby Red Childs Occasion Dress – a big wide dress please Mummy!

Little one is going to be 7 years old and she had already told me exactly what she wanted and she had even drawn it…no pressure then.

when she was little she used to call big skirts on dresses, super wide and the term has stuck.

Skirt and bodice cut out

Im lucky to have a large dinning room table, which can seat 16 but I use it to cut out all my projects and its handy when, every year I make a super wide birthday dress.

As Her birthstone is a ruby she wanted that to be the theme. I then had a look through my stash to see if I had any suitable fabric before we went shopping. I did have this lovely red velvet left over from a christmas dress I made myself so we decided that would be great for the bodice.

draping the cut pieces on the stand

So this is were I hit the first problem…I thought that the dress I previously cut before and made for her was a size 5, so I had to grade it up to a size 7… trouble was I had made a size 3 but didn’t make a note of it and so I then had to re cut the very mobile fabric several times to smaller sizes till i worked out what had happened. Moral of the story make notes on the pattern so they don’t get lost!!

Ruby red super wide skirt

In the end despite all the drama I managed to finish almost on time… she had to wear the dress with some pins in the hand sew roses.